Friday 6 June 2008

David Cook wins American Idol

The winner takes it all! 25-year-old rocker David Cook won American Idol 2008 title, beating his tough competitor 17-year-old David Archuleta. On 20th May, it looked like David Archuleta would walk away with the coveted title. He won the hearts of the judges of the show Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell with his shooting voice. Cowell even went to the extend of saying that it was a knockout. However, American audience seems to admire the maturity in Cook and his forceful voice. He won the American Idol by getting 56% of the total 97 million votes. The American Idol finale started with a surprise. The top final 12 contestants sang George Michael's songs "Faith" and "Father Figure". Then George Michael himself took the stage and sang the song "Praying For Time". Judge Paula Abdul was in tears on hearing the song.